Research Assistant Khosi Mdladla perseveres to complete the Comrades Marathon!
Ms Khosi Mdladla Research Assistant at CAPRISA’s Vulindlela Research clinic completed the gruelling 90-kilometre Comrades Marathon race held on 28
August from Pietermaritzburg to Durban. The marathon attracts runners from around the world and estimated 15 000 people registered for the race. This year’s training was a challenge explained Mdladla. “Athletes were not sure if Comrades will happen due to Covid 19,” said Mdladla.
Khosi is a member of the University of KwaZulu Natal student’s training club and trains long-distance running over the weekend. During the week and she works out on her own doing 5-10 km runs morning and afternoons. This year was her third attempt to run the Comrades, her first attempt was a “down run” in 2018 where she missed the Sherwood cut off and her second attempt was in 2019. “To be a Comrade’s runner you need to be disciplined in your daily living and, on the road, every second counts so you cannot afford to miss training” advised Mdladla.
Congratulations Khosi - this is amazing! said Prof Quarraisha Abdool Karim. “What a laudable accomplishment of endurance, persistence and perseverance.”