Finding TB
The CAPRISA 095 TARGET TB study aims to identify TB transmission hotspot areas within a defined community, and leverage that information to design and advance effective, and efficient TB case-finding interventions. Furthermore, this study aims to identify undetected TB, to help understand the contribution of undiagnosed subclinical TB to community transmission, the latter being critical to interrupting TB transmission. The TARGET TB study is led by Prof Barun Mathema, Professor of Public Health at Columbia University in New York and study Co-PI, Prof Kogieleum Naidoo, CAPRISA Deputy Director and Head of the TB-HIV Treatment Research Programme.
“This study adopts a novel approach of linking transmission dynamics to detecting undiagnosed and subclinical community-level TB,“ says Prof Naidoo.
“The rapid identification and treatment of infectious individuals with tuberculosis is central to breaking the chain of TB transmission as 40% of incident TB cases globally remain undiagnosed each year, contributing to delayed initiation of treatment, prolonged infectiousness, and ongoing TB transmission, explained Prof Kogie Naidoo. “Undiagnosed cases include symptomatic and asymptomatic TB patients who have not sought care or are missed by the health system, whose potential to transmit TB is unknown.”
Photo (L-R): Prof Kogieleum Naidoo(Co-PI), Prof Barun Mathema (PI)