COVID-19 Webinar Series Featuring Dr Rubeshan Perumal
Long COVID – The Tsunami After the Waves
Thursday, 17 February 2022 at 8:00 am EST
Watch Dr Perumal's presentation here
GVN: Forefront of Virology COVID-19 Webinar Series
The Global Virus Network hosts a webinar series for COVID-19 related knowledge sharing, featuring expert virologists from GVN Centers of Excellence around the world. The topics focus on different aspects of the virus and the ongoing efforts to combat it, highlighting the latest scientific progress. Each session is a 30-minute live presentation, followed by a 20-minute Q&A hosted by GVN President Dr Christian Brechot.
Dr Rubeshan Perumal (MBChB, MPH, MMed, MPhil, FCP(SA), Cert Pulmonology(SA)) is a pulmonologist and senior scientist at the Centre for the AIDS Programme of Research in South Africa (CAPRISA) and the University of KwaZulu-Natal, where he leads portfolios in both COVID-19, tuberculosis, and HIV research. He holds master’s degrees in Public Health (MPH in Epidemiology), Medicine (MMed in Internal Medicine), and Pulmonology (MPhil in Pulmonology) and is currently completing a PhD focused on the pharmacokinetic-pharmacodynamic optimisation of tuberculosis treatment. He is a past recipient of the Fogarty International Clinical Research Scholarship and was named a Global Young Physician Leader by the InterAcademy Partnership. He was a founding consultant of the Post-COVID-19 Lung Disease clinical service and research programme at Groote Schuur Hospital/University of Cape Town and has been a panellist on the WHO Working Group on Care Pathways for Long COVID.