Scientist invited to the House of Lords Science & Technology Committee

5 November 2020

CAPRISA scientist in the Mucosal Immunology Laboratory, Dr Lenine Liebenberg,  was one of three experts invited speak to the House of Lords Science and Technology Committee on 29th September to discuss the human microbiome, the potential of research in this area, and where action is needed to help realise this. The Committee is made up of members of the UK House of Lords that conduct deep dive inquiries into areas of science and its conduct, taking written evidence and inviting experts to speak with them. Dr Liebenberg, along with Dr Patrick Varga-Weisz (University of Essex, University of Campinas, Cambridge) and Professor Julian Parkhill FRS FMedSci (University of Cambridge), collectively outlined the links between the microbiome and human health, and the benefits and concerns related to developing a biome-bank.