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SA couple honoured for aids research
Lockdowns & face masks really did help to control Covid-19
Interview with E2P Summit keynote speaker Dr Salim Abdool Karim
In South Africa Much More Than an Investment in HIV
WHO, WIPO, WTO Joint Technical Symposium on COVID-19 Pandemic
‘The pandemic is far from over – but this is how it ends’
Prestigious award for leading female scientist
Local research is best way to solve a public health problem
Has SA passed the peak of the fifth wave of Covid-19 infections?
We did more things right than wrong: Prof Salim Abdool Karim
Effectiveness of COVID-19 vaccine in people living with HIV
Fly on the wall look at a Covid ward
Did South Africa get it right when tackling the pandemic
SA scientist Quarraisha Abdool Karim wins nearly R10m French prize
Dangerous when scientists doublespeak like politicians
Covid-19 could be with us potentially for years
SA ranked among top Aids research producers